paperopoli research team

research team




the background.


11 researchers with different interests who collaborate in the creation of scientific articles on different topics


alessandro martinelli
Alessandro Martinelli is a PhD in “History, Representation and Restoration of Architecture”, and graduated in Architecture from La Sapienza University of Rome. Professional in 3d modeling, rendering, photogrammetry and game development. Teaching tutor at La Sapienza and Politecnico di Milano.
matteo Cavaglia’
Matteo Cavaglià graduated in Architecture and is a Ph.D. candidate in Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. He works at the Dastu and ABC departments within the same university, focusing on parametric modelling, simulation, and virtual reality in relation to the manipulation of the built environment.
lorenzo ceccon
Lorenzo Ceccon, J.D., Architecture graduate and Urban Planning Ph.D. candidate from Politecnico di Milano, has matured working and teaching experience at the same university and abroad, focussing on parametric modelling and simulation, Artificial Intelligence, photogrammetry and Virtual/Mixed Reality for the built environment
veronica fazzina
Veronica Fazzina is a PhD in “Theory and history of representation” and graduated in Architecture from University of Catania. She’s adjunct professor and teaching tutor at Politecnico di Milano. She mainly deals with drawing and representation, geometry, 3d modeling, rendering and visualization.
thomas guido comunian
Thomas Guido Comunian graduated at the Politecnico di Milano, he is specialised in, parametric design, 3D modeling, digital fabrication, robotics, architectural and environmental acoustics. Teaching class tutor involved in the Digi Skills course at the Politecnico di Milano.

Giulia Lazzaretto

PhD student at the School of Doctorate Studies at University IUAV of Venice, graduated in Architecture. Teaching tutor at IUAV from 2020 and Politecnico di Milano in 2020 and 2021. She deals with representation, geometry, drawing, 3d modeling, rendering, photogrammetry, far east and Islamic representation.  

Graduated in Architecture from Politecnico di Milano, he mainly deal with Classic and Parametric Modeling, Graphics, Rendering, Visualization and Architectural Representation. Although he is interested in the emerging technologies of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence, his focus is actually mainly involved on Biomimetics.
flavia camagni
Research fellow at the Department of History, Design and Restoration of Architecture at Sapienza University of Rome, where he obtained his PhD in 2021. Since 2021 he has been an adjunct professor for the course in “Descriptive Geometry for Industrial Design”, in the degree course Design for Sustainable Industry and Territory at the University of Tuscia. His research activity concerns representation and in particular perspective, both in its historical and current aspects with a focus on architectural perspectives and perspective wooden inlays. These studies are often conducted with the aid of digital three-dimensional models based on the study of drawings, perspective renderings and survey data and aimed at enhancing the assets studied through the use of new technologies in the field of representation.
salvatore damiano
Salvatore Damiano graduated in Architecture from the University of Palermo. He is a PhD in the field of architectural drawing. He works as a adjunt professor and deals with virtual reconstructions and graphic analysis of the unrealised works of the most important architects of the 20th century.
sonia mollica
Her research activity is mainly focused on the enhancement of cultural heritage through the use of survey, representation, modeling and digital, deepening the issues related to parametric modeling and the construction of ontologies aimed at the knowledge of cultural heritage. In connection with the field of digital modeling, she develops particular interest about fruition of cultural heritage through the use of augmented and virtual reality.
caterina morganti

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Architecture of University of Bologna. Adjunct professor of courses “Architectural Representation Studio T-1 (module 2) – degree programme: Architecture-Engineering and “Methods for the representation and modelling of the city and territory – degree programme: Architecture and Creative Practices for the City and Landscape. PhD in Architecture and Design Culture – University of Bologna. Graduated in Building and Architectural Engineering at University of Bologna.

marco vedoà
He is a PhD student in urban planning, design and policy at Politecnico di Milano with a thesis that aims to understand the potential of ICTs for the reactivation of minor landscapes. Since 2012, he has worked on several research projects of landscape enhancement in urban and rural areas, during which he has experimented with and developed interactive systems that combine web, communication, and tangible and intangible cultural heritage.

the foreground


Paperopoli is a scientific writing group of the ICAR/17 ambit, open to all PhD students, doctors, and young researchers who intend to work in wider collaborations on the Italian territory. Here, ideas, notions, projects, works, study materials, tools, but also recognitions and awards will be shared. The purpose of the group is to allow a continuous generational change in the field of scientific writing, and a useful support to all novice researchers, even in the years to come.



paperopoli team researches


reaach-id – 2023

Comunian, T. G., Fazzina, V., Martinelli, A., Porro, S., (2023). Sperimentazione di un Web Database per Augmented Reality Apps: il caso studio delle geometrie rigate

Il crescente settore delle Augmented Reality App è segno di un maggior interesse, da parte di mercati privati ed istituzioni pubbliche, per la visualizzazione immersiva e per quegli strumenti in grado di valorizzare i contenuti culturali tramite il coinvolgimento dell’utente. Una caratteristica spesso sottovalutata di questa digitalizzazione sta nel linguaggio ‘smart’ con cui le nozioni vengono presentate, in rapide sintesi basate su schemi, slides, liste, immagini, comparazioni, etc. Ma l’immissione continua di dati in un’app può comportare varie problematiche, sia sul fronte hardware che software: dall’ovvio aumento di peso, non trascurabile per i dispositivi tascabili, all’aggiornamento continuo della cognizione scientifica, il quale rischia di lasciare indietro tutti quei contenuti teorici che non vengono controllati o rinnovati. A questo si aggiunge il problema della costante manutenzione dei dispositivi mobili per ciò che attiene ai software, ai sistemi operativi, ai protocolli di sicurezza e ai sistemi di decodifica dei dati esistenti, soprattutto per le App AR che utilizzano periferiche audio e video. In quest’ottica, e al fine di ottimizzare le prestazioni degli strumenti mobile, risulta utile un archivio digitale, possibilmente in forma di sito opensource, che fornisca dati centralizzati e pre-catalogati appositamente per l’utilizzo in App AR. In questo modo, sarà possibile per gli utenti qualificati contribuire alle nozioni presentate tramite un sistema di upload client-server sul sito, opportunamente filtrato da controlli di sicurezza semi-automatici. La sperimentazione del contributo indaga i vantaggi e le possibilità di un sistema così strutturato, impostando il caso di studio sulla teoria delle geometrie rigate, e le architetture ad esse corrispondenti.


2030 dc – 2022

Comunian, T. G., Fazzina, V., Martinelli, A., Porro, S., (2022). Optimization study of FDM 3d printing for the presentation of the architectural models

The prototyping of physical models by 3d printing is today one of the most common methods of presentation or composition of architectural projects, both in the academic and professional fields. In particular, the 3d printing with the FDM method based on PLA is diffused in several laboratories and studies, offering a high-precision physical model of remarkable resistance. Given its increasing use, also a lot of scientific literature has deepened its qualities, practices, and aesthetics, as well as identifying material compositions and procedural expedients increasingly efficient from the ecological point of view, therefore, the study proposes an analysis and the verification of the actual sustainability of the process, focusing phase of estimation, project management, and actual extrusion, in an exclusively ecological perspective, through experimentation and comparison of data. The analysis has led to the specific deepening of the techniques of infill of the printed volume, which affect in particular the consumption of material and its efficiency, therefore identifying optimal solutions and finding critical issues to be taken into account during the life of the prototype.

3d printing, prototyping, sustainable design, FDM, project presentation
ISBN 978-88-492-4558-5


uid 2022

M. Cavagliá, L. Ceccon, L. Cocchiarella, T.G. Comunian, V. Fazzina, G. Lazzaretto, A. Martinelli, C. Morganti, G. Piccinin, S. Porro, L. Tarquini, N. Turchi (2022). Chapter Digi Skills Bsc–Revising Graphic Literacy in Bsc Architectural Design Education through a Software-Based Pedagogic Approach. A Shared Pilot Experience at the Politecnico di Milano

Inspired by the UNESCO/UIA Charter for Architectural Education (Tokyo 2011), since 2020 the digital literacy programme Digi Skills BSc (4 ECTS) is offered to the 2nd year of the Bachelor in Architectural Design at the Politecnico di Milano. Addressed to students who already have a background in classic graphic representation, it aims at experimenting with a paradigm shift from analog to digital, in line with both tradi-tional disciplinary fundamentals and the operational routines characterizing architectural design processes and workflows nowadays. Given the relevance of space in architectural education, 3D geometry-based modeling is the essential chapter in the syllabus. However, an introduction to the parametric and BIM workspaces, as well as some basics of data input (by device, from geoportals and point clouds) and output (visual editing, graphic and physical prototyping) are included as well. Dealing with a variety of software programs and file formats responds to the most challenging UNESCO/UIA expectation that «digital fluen-cy» is encouraged in architectural education. It also led to excellent feedbacks by the about 1.000 students involved. Engaging young generations of scholars from various Universities in the tutorship of the classes (MSc graduates, PhD students and graduates, young researchers), recruited through a national annual call, also published on the UID webpage, was a bet. After two years, it seems to have coagulated into a novel promising research group, which, among other things, also suggested writing this co-authored paper.

Digital technologies, dystopia, graphics education, visual representation, distance learning


uid 2023

Fazzina, V., Comunian, T.G., Martinelli, A., Porro, S., Schiavo, A., (2023), Mario Ridolfi’s Motel Agip: from graphic analysis to parametric and immersive representation

The research aims to describe the process of generation and growth of the architectural form of an unrealized project by Mario Ridolfi, the Agip Motel in Settebagni, through the aid of graphic analysis, geometric and parametric modeling and virtual reality . Versatile architect, with a vast production, well documented by sources, of completed and unrealized projects, the latter little studied, especially from the point of view of geometry.

The abundant presence of design documentation has allowed us to identify and reconstruct the geometric layout on which the motel tower is based: a decagonal matrix plan with star-shaped vertices, in a progression of floors defined by a cylindrical helix. This polycentric trend of the elevation manifests itself in a twisting of the building, and in a continuous irregularity of the internal plans, which therefore requires the project to make a considerable effort to adapt.

Starting from the graphic reconstruction, a 3D model of the plan and a parametric script of the casing were created, which controls the various functions of the torsion and the different perimeters. Finally, at the end of the restitution, it was decided to reproduce the discretized parametric model in an augmented reality system, with an interactive mechanic to scroll the planes of the model and effectively visualize the evolution of the heights.

Geometry, Central plan, 3D Modeling, Parameterization, Augmented reality



Ceccon, L., & Cavaglià, M. (2023). An iterative algorithmic UAV path optimization process for Structure-for-Motion modelling. 

The use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for 3D reconstruction through photogrammetry has gained significant attention in recent years. With the advancement of technology and the availability of affordable drones with high-resolution cameras, capturing aerial images for creating detailed 3D models has become more accessible, however, UAV survey flight planning still presents challenges. The planning stage is essential in aerial photogrammetry as it sets the foundation for efficient and accurate surveying. Proper predictive planning ensures a smooth workflow on site, generating high-quality datasets for reconstruction while minimizing the need for repeat surveys. This approach not only reduces costs but also mitigates potential errors and delays during the survey process. Within the presented frame of reference, the present study explores the use of UAVs for 3D reconstruction through photogrammetry, focusing on optimizing flight paths and view planning. It addresses challenges such as safety, navigation, and image dataset optimization. The study presents the current advancement of custom parametric workflow developed in Rhino/Grasshopper. The workflow is targeted for average users, aiming to simplify the process and integrate it with architectural and planning workflows. The approach involves four algorithms, including proxy model generation, visibility analysis, path generation, and camera position estimation. The iterative process enhances precision through progressive refinement of the proxy model, offering potential for predictive modelling and effective photogrammetry utilization in UAV planning. Further research and testing are needed to validate real-world performance.

Structure from Motion; Unmanned Aerial Vehicle; Path Planning; GIS; Visual analysis



Camagni, F., Fazzina, V., Martinelli, A., Mollica, S., (2023), Digital reconstruction of the paradox – Escher’s Relativity


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